New Year's resolutions for your business

New Year's resolutions for your business

Update your website

Having a business in the digital age means it is easier than ever for new patrons to discover you. But if your website is hard to use, lacking common features or missing information, your potential customers are less likely to find or choose you. And if you haven’t updated it in a while, it might just seem dated and need refreshing.

Here are some things that can make your site more customer friendly:

• Make sure that your website is easy to navigate on both mobile and desktop.

• Make your location and hours easy to find and update them for holidays.

• Include your menu and allergy information.

• Add an “About us” section that tells your story.

• Include easy contact options for customers with questions, including phone, email, form, or even on-site chat.

Expand your menu and services

An important part of running a business is growing your customer base and reaching new sales goals. One of the best ways to expand your customer base is to expand the goods and services that your business has to offer. At the same time, it may be time to retire some dishes if they are underperforming.

Here are some of the ways you can freshen up your menu and services:

• Add a couple new entrees to your menu and highlight them on social media and your website.

• Switch out your side options so repeat customers have new foods to try.

• Start promoting entrees by highlighting a “cook’s special” or “staff picks.”

• Promote seasonal or limited time products to generate interest.

• Highlight holidays with special menus and expand this to include holidays like Valentine’s Day, Independence Day, and even fun holidays like National Bacon Day.

• Consider offering catering or take-and-cook meals.

Get your name out there

Your loyal customers can help you grow, but you don’t want to only rely on word-of-mouth to grow. Promoting your business is a proactive way to get in front of the community so more people recognize your name. While having professional marketing help is a great, you should also promote yourself as much as possible.

Here are some ways you can promote your business:

• Join local events or festivals in your community. Your local Chamber of Commerce often has information on these types of events.

• Gather emails from customers and send them monthly specials. You can ask for an email when people pay or include a sign-up sheet in your business and on your website. Just let people know you will send monthly specials.

• Sponsor a local little league team to gain positive recognition within the community.

• Look for complementary businesses and ask to leave a small flyer or coupon behind. This can get your name in front of an entirely different set of potential customers.

Tips on achieving new year goals

It is worth mentioning that setting the bar too high is the reason so many new year's resolutions get forgotten about or abandoned altogether. So, when choosing your resolutions for the new year, try to have reasonable goals and expectations and you will be more likely to meet your goals.

Here are a few things to keep in mind for successful goal setting:

Consistency: Making small steps forward on a regular basis is the best way to reach goals. This mindset also keeps you focused on making reasonable changes instead of drastic ones.

Progress over perfection: Remind yourself that as long as you’re making progress, you’re going in the right direction. Do not let a slip-up become a roadblock.

Appreciate trial and error: Even making a “small change” like adding a menu item can be difficult. People may respond well or poorly to a change, no matter how well-thought out it was. Accepting this is key to not feeling disappointed when things do not go the way you plan.

Be flexible: No matter what goals you set out for in 2023, it is important to be flexible and adjust when needed. If you wanted to start offering seasonal menu items but are facing a staff or vendor issue that makes that impossible, switch gears and focus on a different goal.

Every new year brings with it new opportunities for you and your business. Whatever goals you decide to focus on in 2023, we will be here to make sure your business has everything it needs to thrive this new year! Just bookmark our site and give us a call whenever you have questions.

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